Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Organizing Your College School Binder

I'm getting ready to start my 4th semester of College, and you could say I've tired every kind of organization tick out there to keep me on set ahead of homework. And I have finally found something I really like and I hope you do to. 

Reason's why I like this system.
1. EVERYTHING is with me at all times. (I have time in between classes each day so this allows me to work on other homework instead of just that days)
2. I can keep better track of everything, instead of having stuff in all different kinds of notebooks or folders.

Well now lets get started to achieve this Organization Binder 
Supplies Needed
1. 3 inch Ring Binder
2. Four Pocket Hole Folders (I have 4 classes, but wanted another one for extra papers)

3. I have a 5 subject notebook (I use college rule) for all my education classes, and a assignment notebook (I bought mine at Wal-Mart for like $3, I can't fine this one anywhere now) I would just trade out of the other single notebooks for that day. 
*If I new I had homework in math but it wasn't math day I would just simply take that math notebook with me to school to do it during my breaks. 

4. Notebook Paper, I use college rule

 5. Flag/ Tabs (I bought the ones in picture at Wal-Mart, I can't find them online they were about $4-7 and you can get big or small tabs I have the big ones here, but the one linked would work also, and a Fine Point Sharpie

Now to Get Started 
           First I decorated my 3 Inch Ring Binder to do this I get out my craft suit case and get my paper     cutter, paper, and Elmer's Craft Bond Glue 

I used my scrap book paper and picked some of my favorite papers

These are the ones I liked

After measuring and cutting I have this as the finish product. 
Of course I added some picture. 

The side of it

The back of the binder is the same yellow bumble bee color as the front 

Then I have The Finished Inside Product 

              1st. I have my class Schedule (upper left hand corner, I actually have a printed copy now)

2nd. I have the Red Assignment Book
  I love this assignment book, because you can write down the class- assignment- when its due- and it even has a place to √ it off when you've completed that homework                       

3rd. I have Notebook Paper, this is just to jot down anything last minute 

4th. Each class has a folder one side of the folder says HOMEWORK the other say Paperwork

Just a close up of the tabs I have Biology, Math, Education, Geography, and then an extra folder to keep misc stuff in. I also have the class in order for which day of the week they come.
To make these tabs I just wrote the name of the class, then I paper clip it to the folder and use clear tape, to tape the BIG part of the paper clip inside the folder, so the tab doesn't fall off. 

And last I'm a Education Major and this 5 subject notebook has all my education classes in it. I keep this in my binder at all times, because I like having it with me. You could use a 5 subject notebook for all subjects if you'd like. But I like having a separate notebook for each class itself (besides education of course) 

And thats it, I love this binder system because I no longer have to hunt for anything anymore. I'm a very organized person and this just gets me excited about learning because in college I believe its very important to get EVERYTHING.